Category Archives: Position papers and press releases

actionuni responded to the consultation on the SHK ordinance on the coordination of higher education teaching

The ordinance focuses on higher education at all three types of universities, defining which types of academic diplomas and certificates can be issued, how many ECTS are associated to each kind of study program and which sort of institutions is allowed to offer third-cycle programs such as doctorates.

Our main feedback point as actionuni is that UAS and PH should, similarly to cantonal universities and federal polytechnics, be also allowed to develop and offer their own third-cycle study programs, provided a rigorous quality control procedure be put in place to ensure quality standards comparable to those of existing third-cycle programs.

Read our full response here (in Italian).

actionuni responded to the consultation on the Federal Act on International Cooperation and Mobility in the Field of Education (SR 414.51)

The new law is in effect a legal formalization of policies on cooperation and mobility which are already in place. This topic is clearly central to academic and professional training.

Our main feedback points were the following:

  • we recognize the need for the Confederation to be able to manage its programmes more autonomously
  • we support the establishment of a national agency with a specific executive mandate concerning the instruments of implementation of the policies presented by the law
  • we welcome the opening to non-European educational realities
  • we stress the need for the Confederation not to distance itself too much from the cooperation and mobility programmes linked to the European Union.

Read the full letter here (in Italian).

New bulletin from swissfaculty-INFO-18

The latest information bulletin INFO-18 from our partners at swissfaculty is now online. It features an article written by former actionuni co-president Salome Adam on why we need structural improvements for mid-level staff employed at Swiss universities.

actionuni responded to the consultation on the new law for the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education (EHB)

The new law suggests that the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education is being recognized and accredited as a University of Teacher Education.

Our main feedback points were:

  • The new law shall include a paragraph on securing the autonomy of the institution.
  • Not only EHB will be active in vocational education, but shall do so in synergy with existing offers at existing Universities of Teacher Education.
  • A paragraph on proper participation rights for staff and students of EHB must be introduced.

Read the full Vernehmlassungsantwort (German).

«Er deutet damit an, dass es an der ETH Zürich einen Kulturwandel geben wird.»

Salome Adam, co-president of actionuni, recognizes the positive intentions of ETH-president Joël Mesot in a recent interview with züriost. Joël Mesot publicly apologized “to those affected by the unprofessional conduct of their supervisors” and presents a set of measures to improve prevention, leadership and the handling of conflict situations.

Read the full article here (German only).

«Die komplexen Abhängigkeiten begünstigen Ausbeutung extrem»

Salome Adam, co-president of actionuni, was invited to comment in the Zürioberländer News on the recent cases of mobbing and plagiarism at EMPA, the independent materials, science and technology research institute of the ETH domain.

Salome states that the complex dependencies of young researchers from their professors aid to cases of exploitation. At EMPA, two professors are being accused of mobbing, inexplicable cases of dismissal of employees, and copying of material from Phd-theses for publication under their own name without citing of the original author(s).

Read the full article here (German only).

Les doctorants de Suisse réclament de meilleures conditions de travail

Maximilien Stauber, secretary general of ACIDUL, University of Lausanne, got interviewed on the recently released position paper of actionuni.

Maximilien claims that “It’s hard to get into a job if you know that potentially, in a year, or even three years, it will be over. These are unstable and often shifting positions. It is necessary all the time to move, one pushes you to do it for criteria of excellence. It’s complicated to manage.

Read the full article at RTS (French only).

actionuni responded to the consultation on the new ETH legislation

actionuni has given feedback on the new ETH legislation. Our main points are:

  • criticism on the plan to increase the flexibility concerning contract duration for PostDocs and Assistant Professors. A minimum of four years in the first contract should be ensured.
  • salary equality within ETH needs to be ensured by the ETH-Rat, also in case of private third party funding.
  • professors may be employed beyond retirement age. However, we demand a new (young) professor must be employed nevertheless.
  • participation must be ensured and voting rights for delegates of the Hochschulversammlung sustained.
  • if a new HR information system is being introduced, data must not be used for any other purposes (e.g. research) without consent of the employees.
  • video surveillance data must not be used for other than its intended use.

Read the full Vernehmlassungsantwort (German).

actionuni in SRF Kontext – Forscherkarriere: Gefahr für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden?

Salome Adam, co-president of actionuni, participated in a discussion with Prof. Aguzzi from University of Zurich on the misuse of power and mobbing at universities. Some real cases are reported but also ways are discussed of how pressure in research can be mitigated without compromising scientific quality.

Link to SRF (only German)

actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau strives for clear improvements for the non-professorial academic staff at Swiss higher education institutions!

Today, actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau publishes its position paper (pdf German / pdf French / pdf English) on the promotion of young researchers at Swiss higher education institutions. The position paper was drawn up jointly with all members and unanimously adopted at the last delegates’ meeting.

Florian Lippke, former Co-President of actionuni and member of the Swiss Accreditation Council, commented: “We are aware that every university faces different challenges and that some are already considering approaches to improve the conditions for young scientists in their institutions. However, we know that there are fundamental problems in the Swiss higher education area for non-professorial academic staff, which we must tackle together.”

Our positions in a nutshell:

  1. Career diversification at all types of universities and alternative careers are needed to give young researchers multiple perspectives for their future.
  2. Professional human resources management will support the separation of administrative from scientific responsibilities.
  3. Double profile research/practice is seen to be of value for all types of universities, not only Universities of Applied Sciences.
  4. Transparency and career advice are needed to guide young researchers early on through the jungle of academic and non-academic careers.
  5. Strengthening of flat hierarchies and inclusive work models will enable us to share scientific responsibilities among all members of the team, from graduate students to professors and chair-holders.
  6. Minimal research time and fair employment conditions reflect that research is work and must be paid.
  7. Compatibility of scientific careers with family and other obligations should be self-evident as universities are role models for other employers and society as a whole.
  8. Participation rights are guaranteed by law and must be supported adequately

Media contacts:
–  Florian Lippke, Tel: +41 76 720 17 70, Mail: (D, FR, E)
–  Salome Adam, Tel: +41 79 249 54 33, Mail: (D, E)

Full Press Release in English, German and French (pdf).

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