Shaping Research Culture-a timely discussion

The Graduate Campus UZH together with Life Science Zurich we are organising an online event called “Shaping Research Culture”, specifically tailored for the Life Sciences, on the 5th Nov. With this event we aim to engage in an open discussion on the values of our research culture and ways to shape that culture.  
The event is structured in two parts:
1. The workshop (13:00-15:15)
Designed to apply system’s-level thinking in order to inspire new ideas about what an ideal research culture could look like. This could be both in terms of big systems change, for example around the way research is funded or how knowledge is communicated, and in terms of small changes applicable today. The workshop will happen in break-out rooms of about 6 participants.
2. The Panel discussion (15:30-17:30)
The ideas generated through the workshop will be a starting point for our discussion with the panelists.
You can register to attend either the full event or only the panel discussion.