AdValue – personal stories for an open Switzerland are needed!

The second meeting of actionuni with swissuniversities, VSS and swissfaculty took place last week. The most pressing topic we discussed was the upcoming political debate about how Switzerland can be fully associated to Horizon2020 and Erasmus+ again.

An important communication tool is the Blog AdValue by swissuniversities:

Have you been negatively impacted by the discontinuation with Horizon2020 and Erasmus+ after February 2014? Contribute with your story to the blog “AdValue. Contact us or the blog-responsible Maria Christoffel directly at if you want to contribute to the blog.

It is needed to make the benefits of Horizon2020 and Erasmus+ clear to a wide audience and keep a constant buzz regarding the importance of re-integrating Switzerland into the European research area.

Further topics we discussed were:

  • time-line for the definition of the next federal message on education, research and innovation
  • integrating refugees into higher education (project by the national students union VSS/UNES)