Category Archives: Events

Election of the new actionuni board and representatives

On 13 May 2019 the General Assembly of actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau elected a new tripartite co-presidency and a new board.

Congratulations to board members Isabel Bolliger, Alexey Evstratov, Carmen Faso, Rashmi Rai-Rawat and to our newly-acquired actionuni representatives Sophie Girardin and Cosima Locher!

The co-presidents Carmen Faso, Isabel Bolliger and Rashmi Rai-Rawat wish to thank all previous board members and especially former co-presidents Salome Adam and Suzana Atanasoski for the excellent work done over the past year.



Save the date: General Assembly 2019

We invite you to actionuni’s next General Assembly, followed by an Aperó:

May 13, 2018, 4:00-7:00 p.m. in Bern

Location: University of Bern
Building: UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1
Room: A 201

We are looking for candidates from all types of universities, in particular from Universities of Applied Sciences and Universities of Teacher Education for the following positions:

  • co-presidents: all university types
  • board members: actuary, treasurer, webmaster
  • Swiss Higher Education Conference
  • Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Student
  • Social Media Coordinator (German speaking if possible)

Please send your letters of interest to:

Symposium Doctoral Supervision at ETH

Last week, an interesting symposium on the topic of supervising doctoral students was held by ETH in Zurich.

It was discussed, how better training for supervisors can improve quality of supervision, how a contract between the PhD-student and the supervisor can help clarify expectations, how PhD-committees help balance power, which platforms can help strengthen peer-feedback among supervisors and establish a commonly agreed on “code of conduct” for supervisors.

All inputs of the symposium can be found here:

We are looking forward to see the ETH and other universities develop this topic further.

Annual meeting actionuni – SNF

Last November, actionuni representatives had their annual exchange meeting with SNF representatives. At the meeting, questions from actionuni members to the SNF are discussed and actionuni gives input to current development of the SNF.

This years main topics were:

  1. Mobility as a selection criterion is obsolete: The SNF agrees that geographical mobility of young researchers as a criterion to judge a researchers’ professional network has become outdated, considering the way researchers are connecting nowadays through digital ways and means. The SNF this year aims to revise the requirements of its funding instruments accordingly.
  2. Stronger promotion of Post-Docs: Influencing employment conditions of post-doctoral researchers towards more unlimited contracts or Tenure Track is not possible through SNF as these are within the universities’ own competencies.
  3. Centralized evaluation strategy of SNF funding applications, starting 2021: By using centralized remote or panel-evaluation, the SNF aims to standardize the assessment and selection of candidates. Consequently, local selection committees (Forschungskommissionen) will be abrogated.

actionuni participates prominently in AAQ Institutional Accreditation Day

On 29 November 2018, the second AAQ Institutional Accreditation Day took place in Berne. The topic was “Quality concerns everyone! How participation is lived at Swiss higher education institutions”.

Salome Adam, co-president of actionuni (far right), at the podium

The program and presentations can be found online (DE / FR).

Continue reading actionuni participates prominently in AAQ Institutional Accreditation Day

EURODOC Postdoc Survey – your voice matters

How do you feel about your current job? What are your working conditions, your rights, your perspectives? Do you feel satisfied by your work-life balance?

With the goal to understand these and other issues, Eurodoc launches today a survey on postdocs working in Europe. The survey will investigate the challenges postdocs are confronted with in the current job market in Europe, working and living conditions, their expectations and perspectives on their careers.
Results will shed light on similarities and differences in how postdocs in different countries currently live and work from their perspective, with a specific focus on mobility, awareness of duties and rights, quality of life and well-being.

Whether you are a postdoc working in academia, in public administration, in an NGO or in the private sector, take part in the survey! It will take less than 10 minutes of your time, but your participation is really valuable and your answers will help improve Eurodoc policies on junior researchers.
Your voice matters!


Save-the-date: General Assembly 2018

Actionuni’s next General Assembly will take place in Bern on June 7, 2018, 4:00-7:00 p.m.

Location: University of Bern
Building: UniS (Schanzeneckstrasse 1, Bern)
Room: A201

We are looking for candidates from all types of universities, in particular from Universities of Applied Sciences and urgently from Universities of Teacher Education for the following positions:

  • co-presidents
  • board member
  • Eurodoc-representative
  • SNF-representative
  • member of swissuniversities delegation “Teaching”

Please send your letters of interest to: by 31 May 2018

Research career – A living dream?

The Eurodoc conference 2018, which was organized in collaboration with FUURT, took place in Tampere on 18 and 19 April 2018. The conference’s main topics were mental health, equality with focus on mobility, open access, and new criteria for measuring excellence. Amongst the highly qualified PhD speakers were also representatives from industry and European education institutions. The audience gave new insights and many opportunities to discuss these topics covered from different perspectives and led to promising approaches for innovative solutions. Opportunities for networking ensure ongoing discussion and activities related to the topics discussed. It also made Eurodoc, its National Associations and all their efforts more visible. actionuni was represented by Salome Adam and Mirco Grüter.

Continue reading Research career – A living dream?

Report of the Annual General Meeting of the European Council of PhD Candidates and Junior Researchers” (Eurodoc)

Salome Adam (VAUZ) and Mirco Grüter (VAUZ & Actionuni) were this year’s Actionuni’s delegates at the “Annual General Meeting” (AGM) of “the European Council of PhD Candidates and Junior Researchers” (Eurodoc) that took place in Tampere, Finland from the 20.-21. April 2018. The AGM is Eurodoc’s highest decision-making body.

Continue reading Report of the Annual General Meeting of the European Council of PhD Candidates and Junior Researchers” (Eurodoc)