OECD workshop on research precarity-proceeding

Here at actionuni we all hope your 2021 started serenely!

In 2020 , actionuni was involved in a OECD-driven project to analyse the current situation of precariousness in academic research. Data was then presented at a workshop in late November.

Please find the summary of the workshop we attended along with all presentations and videos on the workshop website .

New actionuni board and delegate

On 29 September 2020, the General Assembly of actionuni der Schweizer Mittelbau renewed its board with a new co-president and new delegate to the SNSF.

Congratulations to our new co-president Martina von Arx and to our newly-acquired actionuni SNSF delegate Prabitha Urwyler!

Co-presidents Carmen Faso and Rashmi Rai-Rawat wish to thank all previous board members including Alexey Evstratov and Isabel Bolliger. Special thanks to Katharina Prautsch for her invaluable service as SNSF delegate board member and to Lauriane Nallet-Khosrofian and former co-president Salome’ Adam for their dedication as social media officers.

The new board will meet in early December.


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Shaping Research Culture-a timely discussion

The Graduate Campus UZH together with Life Science Zurich we are organising an online event called “Shaping Research Culture”, specifically tailored for the Life Sciences, on the 5th Nov. With this event we aim to engage in an open discussion on the values of our research culture and ways to shape that culture.  
The event is structured in two parts:
1. The workshop (13:00-15:15)
Designed to apply system’s-level thinking in order to inspire new ideas about what an ideal research culture could look like. This could be both in terms of big systems change, for example around the way research is funded or how knowledge is communicated, and in terms of small changes applicable today. The workshop will happen in break-out rooms of about 6 participants.
2. The Panel discussion (15:30-17:30)
The ideas generated through the workshop will be a starting point for our discussion with the panelists.
You can register to attend either the full event or only the panel discussion.

SIGN AND SHARE www.petition-academia.ch

In Switzerland, 80% of highly-qualified academic staff is on precarious contracts.

A wealthy, education-driven society like Switzerland can do better!

If you agree

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, please sign the petition for more stable jobs in academia here!

And share the petition through Facebook and Twitter and whatever other channel you wish to use.

Annual Report 2019/20

The Annual Report 2019/20 was published.

How to correctly evaluate performance

The SNSF has adopted the DORA recommendations in its career funding schemes and adapted some other criteria. Follow this link to see how the SNSF intends to evaluate academic performance in a more equilibrated manner.

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Covid-19: Productivity in a pandemic

When it comes to academic publishing and career development, further evidence of the widening gender gap as a result of covid-19.

We urge our partners at swissuniversities and SNSF to take this issue very seriously!!!!

Research assessment recommendations from Science Europe

Our partners at Eurodoc contributed to the latest and official publication from Science Europe on Recommendations on Research Assessment processes.

This is guaranteed to be a fascinating read! Hover over the text for all links.

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Covid-19: The Quiet Crisis of PhDs and COVID-19

Please follow this link to read this sobering research article from Australia where the authors “….found that 75% of students expect to experience financial hardship as a result of the pandemic. Consequently , 45% report being pushed beyond their financial capacities and expect to be forced to disengage from their research within six months. Comparative pre-COVID data from an Australian national survey, reports research student disengagement of 20% over four years. The 25% increase of expected disengagement, in a much-reduced period, signals a deeper PhD crisis. Swift intervention is required to avert substantial impacts to the pipeline of research talent.”

Nature’s new and timely postdoctoral survey

Follow this link to fill out Nature’s new postdoctoral survey!

The accompanying article can be found here.

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